What should I do if I would like to study at Charles University (CU) as an Erasmus+ student?

You can apply for an Erasmus+ stay at CU if your home university has an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement with CU in the required study field. This information can be provided by your home university’s International Relations Office.

In the case that there is no bilateral agreement between Charles University and my home university, what can I do?

Bilateral agreements can be initiated and signed only by the responsible authorities. If you wish to come to Charles University and think there is no bilateral agreement between your university and CU, please contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at your home institution.

I would like to do an Erasmus+ internship at CU. What should I do?

Internships are dealt with individually. Therefore, as soon as you decide which CU faculty would best meet your interests and purposes, please discuss your plan with your home university international office and also with the relevant CU Erasmus+ faculty coordinator. After that, please follow the administrative procedure.

Please note that your internship has to be administrated by the CU host faculty coordinator and final acceptance letter can be provided only by the CU Erasmus+ office. Your supervisor can provide you only with a preliminary acceptance document.

What is the difference between Erasmus+ study stay and Erasmus+ internship?

While the main purpose of study stays lies in following courses, internships are based on the work for your host institution (such as teaching, hospital practice, participation in research, etc.). Please note that working on a thesis cannot be considered as an internship and has to be qualified as a study stay. The same differences apply for Erasmus+ short-term Ph.D. mobilities as well.

Is there any deadline when applying for an Erasmus+ internship at CU?

At Charles University, there is no exact date by which we have to receive your internship application. You can apply at any time of the year. However, please bear in mind that the nomination has to be submitted at least 1 month before the beginning of your internship. For students who require visa, the nomination should be done at least 4 months in advance. Also, please keep in mind that there may be deadlines set by your home university.

I am studying in a country that is not an EU member. Can I still come for an Erasmus+ exchange programme to the CU?

Apart from the EU member states, the Erasmus+ programme also covers other countries associated to the programme. Kindly contact your home university International Relations Office for more detailed information regarding the options you have.

I am enrolled in two study fields at my home university. Can I follow courses from both disciplines/branches also during my Erasmus stay at CU?

As an Erasmus+ student, you should select the vast majority of courses from your host faculty and host department. Some courses can be chosen from other faculties/departments. However, please note that courses outside of your host faculty/department cannot be guaranteed – the availability of places has to be checked at the beginning of the semester.

Are there any language requirements for studying at CU?

Yes, there are. All Erasmus+ incoming students are required to have at least a B2 level knowledge of English language in order to make their study stay fruitful and efficient. Some of the CU faculties require an official language knowledge confirmation (e.g. a language certificate or a document issued by the home university). For more information, please check the list of additional requirements: and feel free to ask your host faculty coordinator.

I am a student with special needs. Is there any possibility to adjust the study stay to my requirements?

Yes, there is. If there are any special requirements that have to be considered during your study period, please do not hesitate to contact us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz. We will be more than happy to assist you with the following steps. More information about studying with special requirements at CU is available at the Charles University profile at Inclusivemobility.eu.

I am a Ph.D. student and would like to come to CU for a short-term Ph.D. mobility. What should I do?

Short-term Ph.D. mobilities are dealt with individually. First, please contact your home university international relations office to find out more about the possibilities in your particular case. As soon as you decide about the content of your Ph.D. short-term mobility, please contact the relevant CU faculty coordinator and discuss it with him/her. If it is approved, please follow the Erasmus+ administrative procedure.


Which courses are offered for Erasmus+ students at CU?

The course catalogues offered by particular faculties are available here. The offer might vary slightly for each semester and academic year. However, the majority of courses stays the same. For detailed information about courses, please contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at the respected faculty.

Can Erasmus+ students choose from the whole course catalogue?

CU Erasmus+ students have to select the vast majority of courses offered by their host department/host faculty. If you plan to add subjects from other departments/faculties, please discuss your intention with the coordinator of the respected faculty.

What is the language of instruction in the courses offered for Erasmus+ students?

If not stated otherwise, all courses for Erasmus+ students are taught in English. Typically, language and literature departments also offer courses taught in the studied language (German, French, Spanish, Russian etc.). Courses taught in Czech are primarily not included in the course catalogue presented at our website. However, if you have sufficient knowledge of Czech, you can discuss possible participation with your host faculty Erasmus+ coordinator.

Are there any courses that enable Erasmus+ students to learn Czech language?

Yes. As an Erasmus+ student at CU, you have two main options:

  • To apply for Czech language courses at your host faculty. These courses are offered at different levels and can be included into your LA as regular subjects.

  • To take the Intensive Czech language course for beginners (no previous Czech language knowledge required). This course starts before the beginning of each semester (early September for the winter semester/mid-January for the summer semester), and it is being held for3 weeks on everyday basis. More information about this course is sent to incoming students approximately 2 months before the start of the course.

How many subjects should I take during my Erasmus stay? How many credits should I gather?

The minimum amount of subjects and credits is set by your home university. Based on these requirements, students draw up their study plan (learning agreement) which has to be approved by the home institution first, then by the host institution.

What should I do if I decide to change my subjects selected in the LA?

All changes in your learning agreement have to be discussed with and confirmed by your host faculty coordinator.

Where can I find semester dates for Erasmus+ students?

The semester dates for Erasmus+ students are available here. Please note, that you should fill only these dates into the online application, otherwise, your application may not be taken into consideration.

Do the semester dates include orientation week and exam period?

Yes, they do. The stated dates cover your whole Erasmus+ period at CU. Please bear in mind that you must fulfil all your study tasks and pass all your exams within the dates stated on your learning agreement and acceptance letter.

Is participation in the orientation week compulsory?

It is not compulsory. However, we highly recommend attending the orientation week/days as you will receive all the necessary information related to your study stay there. In the case of serious reasons for not participating in the orientation period, please contact your host faculty coordinator.

I would like to extend my Erasmus+ stay. Is it possible? What should I do?

The extension is usually possible only from the winter semester to a full academic year. If you wish to extend your study stay, please first discuss your intention with your home university and CU host faculty coordinator. After that, please follow these steps.


Does CU provide any accommodation for Erasmus+ incoming students?

Yes, CU provides accommodation for its incoming students at CU dormitories. For capacity reasons, mainly double rooms can be offered.

Can I choose the hall of residence I would like to stay in?

The places are allocated according to the host faculty. In case of special requirements, please inform us using the relevant box in the online application form and your requirement will be evaluated based on the capacity possibilities. However, please bear in mind that Erasmus+ students can stay only at the dormitories listed on our website.

Is there any possibility to get a single room?

Unfortunately, single rooms cannot be provided due to capacity reasons.

Are there any rooms with a private bathroom?

No, there are not. All double rooms share a bathroom + kitchen with other students.

How can I apply for the CU accommodation?

The only way to apply for a place in the CU dormitories as an Erasmus+ student is by stating your request in the CU online application (the one where you generate your learning agreement from). The requests given directly through the dormitory reservation system will not be taken into consideration.

How much does the CU accommodation cost?

The current price list including cancellation fees is available at the CU accommodation website.

When will I get final confirmation that my dormitory place has been successfully booked?

Visa students will get the original paper copy of their accommodation agreement together with other documents related to their Erasmus+ stay in the package sent 3 months before the beginning of the semester.

All other students will be provided with their electronic accommodation voucher no later than 2 months before the beginning of the semester.

How can I pay for the accommodation?

As soon as your place is booked, you will receive an automatic email with payment link from the accommodation service. If you don’t receive the link until 1 month before the beginning of your stay, please contact us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.

I have paid my accommodation deposit but I haven’t received any payment confirmation. How should I proceed?

The CU accommodation reservation office does not issue any payment confirmation. Therefore, you will be asked to present the deposit payment bank confirmation during the check-in procedure upon your arrival to the dormitories.

When can I move in?

It is important to stick to the arrival date stated in the accommodation voucher and arrive during the office hours on that specific day. If, for serious reasons, you must arrive another day or outside of office hours, please get in touch with the accommodation office of your dormitory.

Is it possible to change dormitories after receiving the accommodation voucher?

For capacity reasons, changes of dormitory buildings are possible only for serious reasons. These requests have to be discussed after arrival with the accommodation services (accommodation@kam.cuni.cz).

Is it possible to cancel my dormitory place?

Yes, it is, but please inform us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz about your decision as soon as possible and no later than 1 month before the check-in day stated in your voucher.

If you decide to cancel your dormitory place during your stay, please inform the accommodation office as soon as possible. All cancellations are administrated according to the accommodation policy rules.

Is it possible to request accommodation after submitting my application?

Please keep in mind that the demand for dormitory places is extremely high and therefore, you have to state your request when filling in your application form. If you are not sure whether you would like to be accommodated in the dormitories, it would be better to book a place in the online app and keep in mind that you can cancel it without cancellation fee until 1 month before the beginning of your stay. If you decide to cancel your accommodation, please inform us immediately at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.

I forgot to book a place in the dormitories and I haven’t managed to find other accommodation option. What can I do?

Please reach out to us at erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz at the beginning of the semester to enquire whether there is a vacancy in the CU dormitories.

I am a student with special needs. Can the accommodation be adjusted to my special requirements?

The requirements of students with special needs are administrated individually. If you fall into this category, please contact us at erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz as soon as possible and we will try to find the most appropriate solution for you.

I am an Erasmus+ student wishing to come for the study stay/traineeship with my family (spouse, children). Is there any possibility to be accommodated together?

Dormitories can accommodate students with family members, but the capacity of family apartments is very limited. If you are interested in this option, please inform us at erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz in advance to find out more.

How can I find private accommodation?

Unfortunately, we cannot recommend any private accommodation providers, nor give advice regarding their reliability. However, you can contact ESN Charles University Prague and ask them for advice based on other students’ experience.


Should I report my arrival to the Czech Republic?

All incoming students are legally obliged to register at the foreign police in the place of their residence on the EU territory within 30 days after their arrival to the country, if their intended stay will be longer than 30 days.

Students accommodated in the CU dormitories are registered automatically.

I am not an EU/EFTA citizen. Which entry requirements should I fulfil?

Citizens of Third Countries (all countries except EU or EFTA members) are obliged to obtain visa or resident permit for their legal stay in the Czech Republic. This applies also for students with a resident permit valid in another EU/EFTA country if they intend to stay more than 90 days within a period of 180 days. Citizens of some countries can stay up to 90 days within 180 days without a visa. Since all cases are quite individual, we highly recommend you reading all the information available at our website and the embassy/consulate you belong to.

I am not an EU citizen, but I have a long-term residence permit in an EU country. Do I still need to apply for a visa/residence permit for the Czech Republic?

Usually, if your stay is shorter than 90 days and your resident permit covers the whole period of your stay at CU, you can arrive only with the document from the other EU member state. If your planned stay is longer, you have to apply for a visa or resident permit anyway.

If you hold long-term residence permit issued by an EU country for study purposes according to the EU Directive 2016/801 you are also eligible to apply for long-term residence permit at the territory of Czech Republic. However, please bear in mind that the study purpose has to be explicitly stated on your visa document. For more information, please visit the Ministry of Interior website.

How long does it take to get Czech visa?

Please keep in mind that the long-term visa process usually takes around 2 months. Therefore, please don’t hesitate to book an appointment at the embassy/consulate right after receiving your acceptance documents via DHL post (usually 3 months before the beginning of your stay).

What will I need to apply for Czech visa/long-term resident permit?

Before you start the application process, please read all the information available at our website.

All Erasmus+ students with non-EU/EFTA citizenship receive following documents from Charles University via DHL post

  • Letter of admission

  • Unified confirmation of enrolment in studies under Erasmus+ program

  • Accommodation agreement

For your visa/resident permit application, you will be asked to present the originals of the documents in Czech language. Apart from them, some other documents are usually required by the embassy/consulate. Therefore, please read all information available on the embassy/consulate website carefully and don’t hesitate to contact the authorities directly to be sure that you bring all the required documents to the appointment.

More precise information about the visa documents provided by Charles University will be emailed to all students with non-EU/EFTA citizenship well in advance.

What should I do if I don’t manage to get my visa before the beginning of the semester?

If your visa is not issued by the start of the semester, the following possibilities may be considered:

  • Citizens of some countries (e.g., United Kingdom) can come to the Czech Republic and stay for 90 days without a visa. During this period, you can return back to your home country and collect your visa.

  • In the case that you are not allowed to enter the Czech Republic without a visa, please inform your host faculty coordinator and ask for more information.You can consider cancelling the stay and reapplying for the next semester


What is a nomination?

Nomination is the very first step in the administration of your Erasmus+ stay at Charles University. Please bear in mind that nominations must be submitted only by your home university Erasmus+ coordinators. A nomination submitted by the student will not be accepted. Please contact your home university Intenational Relations Office for more information.

What steps follow after the nomination?

As soon as your nomination is approved, you will get an email explaining the whole application procedure step by step. Please read this email carefully and try to complete the required actions as soon as possible.

I was nominated, but have not received any feedback for a couple of days. Is anything wrong?

No, please don’t worry if you haven’t heard any news immediately after your home university Erasmus+ coordinator informed you that your nomination has been submitted. It can take weeks before your nomination is checked and approved by the CU host faculty. If you know you were nominated, but have not received any information and the application deadline is approaching, please contact us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.

What is the most important data I have to fill into the online application?

The CU online application consists of various boxes you will be required to fill out. However, the most important of them are:

  • Name and surname: have to be identical with your ID/travel document

  • Citizenship: if you have dual citizenship, please put the one which does not require visa

  • E-mail: please put the e-mail address that you check frequently

  • Emergency contact: please pay special attention to this field. We highly recommend mentioning someone from your family (e. g. parent’s contact details)

  • Semester dates: Please note that if you don’t fill out the semester dates correctly, your application will not be approved. Students coming for traineeships may arrive for an alternative period different from official semester dates.

What should I do if I need to change any information in the online application?

If you need to change any information in your online application, please contact us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.and we will make the application editable for you.

The changes in the online application cannot be updated. What should I do?

Please create an entirely new online application, but make sure to let us know at erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz stating the application number we have to delete. Please do not create more applications without letting us know.

What should I pay attention to when completing my learning agreement?

The learning agreement should be completed in close cooperation with your home university and CU host faculty coordinator. Please make sure to start preparing this document as soon as your nomination is approved, paying attention to the following points:

  • Please make sure to select the majority of your subjects from the host department/faculty.

  • Before sending your LA via email to your CU host faculty coordinator, please make sure your document is signed by yourself and your home university’s Erasmus+ coordinator.

  • For organizational as well as sustainability reasons, please do not send the LA via post, a scanned version via email is fully sufficient.

  • Please be ready to promptly review your learning agreement if requested from your CU host faculty coordinator.

When will I receive my Erasmus+ documents?

If you do not receive the admission documents by the end of August (if you apply for winter semester / full year) or by mid-January (when applying for summer semester), please contact us at: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz. Priority is given to non-EU/EFTA citizens. Please check all your email addresses including the spam folder first before contacting us.

What do the Erasmus+ admission documents include?

The Erasmus+ documents usually include a letter of admission and the learning agreement signed by the Charles University faculty coordinator. If you applied for CU accommodation, an accommodation voucher will be also sent to you in a separate email. All these documents are sent in pdf format via email. Non-EU/EFTA citizens who have to apply for a visa or resident permit will receive the documents via DHL 3 months before the start of their stay.


If I encounter problems during my study stay, what can I do?

The most important contact during your whole Erasmus+ stay is your host faculty coordinator, who can give you advice regarding the administration of your stay as well as connect you with other people when needed. As an Erasmus+ student, you can also use the CU Psychological Counselling Centre services. If you would like to discuss anything related to your accommodation in the CU dormitories, please visit the accommodation office or contact the housing assistant at your dormitory. In case of any other problems and challenges, please don’t hesitate to contact CU Central Erasmus+ Office: erasmus.incoming@ruk.cuni.cz.

How can I register for the Czech insurance system?

All insured incoming students (including EHIC cardholders) have access to urgent, state-provided healthcare during their stay in the Czech Republic. Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP) is recommended as the largest health care provider in the Czech Republic with the highest number of cooperating doctors.

Where can I find emergency contacts?

We highly recommend you saving following emergency numbers in your phone in advance:

  • 112 – European Emergency Number (Police, Fire Service, Emergency Medical Service)

  • 158 – Police

  • 156 – Municipal Police

  • 150 – Fire and Rescue Service

  • 155 – Emergency Medical Service

Other important contacts including recommended medical service providers can be found at this website.

Where can I find the information about public transport in Prague, Plzen and Hradec Kralove?

All you need to know about public transport in Prague is available at this website. Apart from basic information regarding the ticket prices, timetables, and connections, you will find all current changes and updates there. There are also similar websites for public transport in Plzen and Hradec Kralove.

Which public transport ticket would be the most appropriate for me?

For students in Prague, the easiest way to obtain the ticket for the public transport is to have a CU student card (or CU issued ISIC). One day later, you can go to the office of public transportation (PID.cz) to buy the long-term student coupon which will be linked to your ISIC card. If you do not possess an ISIC card with license or are older than 26, you will need to buy the card called Lítačka as well as the long-term coupon. Season tickets are also offered for public transport in Plzen and Hradec Kralove.

If I would like to travel through the Czech Republic, where can I find information on transportation options?

Most of the options across different transport companies can be found here.

What can I access with the Charles University student card?

The CU student card will provide you with access to the CU student identification system, all university libraries, printing and copy machines, university PCs in study rooms and dishes for student prices at the university refectories.

As a CU Erasmus+ student, which special offers can I use?

As a student (usually no older than 26 years) in the Czech Republic, you are entitled to buy public transport tickets for a lower price. Furthermore, many Czech museums and galleries offer discounts for students. There are also discounts covered exclusively by the ISIC card These usually include theatres, cinemas, bookshops, sport centres or some restaurants.

Where can I meet Czech students, make new friends, and get more into CU social life?

You are always welcome to join international student associations whose members will be happy to make your integration easier and find new friends from the very beginning of your stay. These associations are  Buddy Programme and the ESN Charles University Prague. There are also student clubs at each faculty that you can join during your Erasmus stay. If you enjoy singing or playing a musical instrument, you are warmly welcome to consider to participate in the CU Chorus and Orchestra.

Last change: August 9, 2024 10:11 
Responsible for site content: International Relations Office
Contact Us

Charles University

Ovocný trh 5

Prague 1

116 36

Czech Republic

CU Point - Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services


Phone: +420 224 491 850

Erasmus+ info:



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