4EU+ Student Mini-grants 2022

Charles University will support up to 10 projects through so-called student mini-grants, seed funding for teams from the 4EU+ universities. This scheme aims to encourage students and young researchers from all around the 4EU+ Alliance to collaborate without the limitation of their fields, faculties, or universities. The projects can focus on initiating international research collaboration, organizing joint educational activities (workshops, soft skill courses, etc.) and developing socio-cultural collaboration and strengthening the third role of the university (active involvement in the social discourse and search for solutions to global economic, social and environmental issues).


The state of the contemporary world, resulting from the covid-19 pandemic and the war in progress in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood, calls for action from everyone who has the power to overlook the contextual framework. We strongly believe that students can contribute to that as they are future of university and academia.

Since the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, students of the 4EU+ Alliance have proven to be valuable members of society. They immediately started volunteering and helping to mitigate the consequences of the health crisis. Many of our students have also been able to promptly respond and coordinate help and assistance to the migration wave of Ukrainian refugees.

We would like to encourage you, our students, to share your experience, get to know each other, share your ideas and create a safe and strong community that would efficiently face the challenges of the unknown future.

The basic parameters of this call are as follows:

How to apply?

Fill out the form by 1 June 2022.

Application form


  • The application must be submitted by a CU student on behalf of the whole project team. In the case your team consists of members of only two member universities, you might indicate the collaboration with the third one as the aim of your project. 

  • Your activity does not need to be in accordance with any specific 4EU+ Flagship, although it is recommended.  

  • Your project does not need to have a continuation in the form of further follow-up application, although it is recommended.  

  • You need to indicate a contact person responsible for financial and administrative issues at your faculty. For further help, you can contact the administrative contact person for 4EU+ at your faculty.

  • European Centre will reimburse the project costs to the faculty of project leader.

  • Eligible costs may include organization of joint workshops, seminars and other events, travel and accommodation costs, justified staff costs, materials, etc.  

    • To estimate travel and accommodation cost, you can use the 4EU+ short-term student mobility rates:

Important dates and contacts

The deadline for submitting requests for support is 1 June, 2022.  

Supported projects will be selected by CU representatives in the 4EU+ Student Committee, chair of the 4EU+ Council at CU and a representative of European Centre by the end of May.

If you need further information or help with finding partners for your project, you can contact our 4EU+ student representatives at or 4EU+ local office (European Centre) at .

Poslední změna: 10. listopad 2022 10:09 
Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Evropské centrum
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